Thursday, February 14, 2019

Lamentation 3: the reflection that her life left behind

In Ernst Wiechert's novel The Simple Life (Das einfache Leben), the main character, Thomas, keeps company with his wife at her bedside, as she succumbs to the inexorable ravages of an incurable disease.  In the hour after midnight she dies, and Thomas sits with her body, observing it as the hours pass, contemplating the fragility of what she has left behind.
The poor form passed away … and that which they call immortal remained in what is frail.  In [their son's] blood, in memories, in the reflection that her life left behind.  One part he himself would preserve, one part [their son], but most of it would fade away like the sunset. One would know that she had been, and that people, animals and plants had welcomed her, but the dawn snuffed her out, and the new day covered her up. (220)
Die arme Form verging … und das, was sie unvergänglich nannten, blieb im Gebrechlichen.  In [dem] Blut [ihres Sonnes], in Erinnerungen, in dem Widerschein, den ihr Leben zurückließ. Einen Teil würde er selbst bewahren, einen Teil [ihr Son], das meiste aber würde vergehen wie eine Abendröte. Man würde wissen, daß sie gewesen war, Menschen, Tiere und Pflanzen hatten sie empfangen, aber das Morgenrot löschte sie aus, und der neue Tag deckte sie zu. (220)

For mom, 29 January 2019.

Other reviews / information:

The translation of the quote from the original German is mine.

My review of The Simple Life (Das einfache Leben) here.

More quotes from the book here.

Another entry in an occasional series of posts of lamentation. (The introduction to this series can be found here, and links to the complete series here.)